Choose wisely: Herbal over synthetic colours this Holi


Dehradun, The Chemistry Division Lab at the Forest Research of India in Dehradun is buzzing with activity. The unit here has been busy preparing around ten kilograms of herbal gulaal for its in-house consumption coming Holi, for the past one week. This annual ritual by the Forest Research of India is to ensure that the festival of colour remains not only colourful but also safe for their near and dear ones.

Lab assistants are working diligently creating yellow and light orange gulaal from a simple procedure of mixing plant extract dissolved in pure alcohol with maize starch, and what you get 12 hours later is your dry, soft, natural herbal gulaal ready for use.

With lab procuring most of the raw material for creating these different colours from natural dyes of trees, plants and flowers, they lend the main ingredient i.e. maize starch not only their colour but hue as well.

Talking to us, Dr. Vineet Kumar of Forest Research Institute tells us, Herbal gulaal is soft to use, eco-friendly and soothing to the eyes. It is also non-toxic because we use natural ingredients.”

On the other hand, synthetic colours made from industrial dyes and inorganic, toxic chemicals have flooded the Indian market as they are inexpensive yet harmful to use, but finds many buyers as well.

But it is heartening to see how a large population has shifted to herbal gulaal over the years, despite being a bit expensive and not easily available in the market is being preferred over synthetic, chemical colours making Holi, the festival of colours, not only more colourful but fun and safe for all ages to play with.