CS for clearing pending cases of forest rights


Chief Secretary Utpal Kumar Singh chaired a meeting of State Surveillance Committee held at Secretariat. The Chief Secretary instructed to clear the pending cases within two years in the meeting of recognition of forest rights. He said that the meeting should be held regularly as per the schedule.

It was informed in the meeting that a total of 6594  claims of forest rights have been disposed off and 79 cases of claims are pending. The pending claims are from Pauri Garhwal, Haridwar and Pithoragarh. As per the Forest Rights Act, those belonging to Scheduled Tribes and Tribals who are in possession of the forest land prior to December 13, 2005 are entitled to forest rights.

Other forest dwellers, before December 13, 2005 should have been in possession of forest land for three generations ( 75 years) to claim forest rights. After getting the forest rights, they get the personal right to do agriculture and community rights of collecting small forest produce.

Secretary Rural Development Dr. Pankaj Kumar Pandey, secretary Revenue Vinod Prasad Raturi, Additional Secretary Social Welfare  B.R.Tamta and other officers were present in the meeting.