Bhaskar Bhauryal: Writing with colour

Pic Courtesy: Bhaskar Bhauriyal

Bageshwar, Today we share with you yet another story of a young artist. Bhaskar Bhauryal was born and brought up in Nakuri village, Bageshwar district of Uttarakhand.

The youngest among four sisters, Bhaskar was born to Janki Devi and Khushal Singh in the year 2000. This millennium child was born with a natural flare of putting colours to paper from a very young age.

Fast forward to present day and this god-gifted lad is polishing his skills while pursuing Fine Arts from Almora. Talking to us, Bhaskar tells us, “I completed my basic schooling from my village Nakuri and then moved to Navo vidyalaya in class six, where my love for painting took wings under the watchful eyes of my mentors.

With encouraging parents and teachers talented Bhaskar spends close to 8-10 hours a day and at times burning the midnight oil, armed with a paintbrush and palate bringing alive his artwork.

Telling us more, Bhaskar fills in, “My mother has been my constant source of inspiration and motivation. I always find myself attracted to the unique nuances of our culture, our jewellery, attire and that finds a prominent place in my artwork as well.

Even at a glance, his body of work is a moving tribute to the women folk of Uttarakhand delicately laced with art, culture and tradition of Kumaon hills.

Not the one to limit his talent, Bhaskar has tried his hand at pencil sketches of famous personalities and oil paints too. Though the nineteen year old personally feels that watercolours help in bringing out the best in his work.

Bhaskar Bhauryal has perfected the art of expressing himself in colours and trained his eye to capture the smallest detail and nuance in his blank canvass, bringing recognition not only to himself but, to the hills he calls home.