1993 Manorite Batch Silver Jubilee celebrations galore


Over the weekend, Mussoorie, the queen of hills, was the perfect hostess to the 1993 Manorite Batch who together to celebrate their Silver Jubilee.

Close to 50 classmates, some with their families, travelled across the globe to come back to their Alma Mater. Celebrating 25 years of when the batch walked out of the iconic iron gates of St. Georges College’s, Mussoorie, an institution which prepared the young lads for the unfolding future.


With back-to-back programmes spread across three days, the former students left behind families and busy schedules to take time off and bond with childhood friends over music, bonfire and laughter, catching up on lost times. Recollecting their well-spent childhood in the hill station and a School that remains unchanged despite the onslaught of time, meant volumes to the former students.

Once again, donning their school uniforms, the well turned out men in black and grey, took part in the march past at the School’s Sports Day. A moment of pride not only for those who took part in the march but for those who witnessed the impressive line-up. Brother Carrol, the former Principal of the 1993 Batch made sure he was amongst his former students who were presented mementos  by Chief Guest, Major General Ashok Sheoran (VSM), himself a Manorite of the 1968 batch.

For the 1993 batch, rest assured, these past few days, spent together recollecting, reconnecting and bonding will surely see them through, until they all descend, once again in full-attendance, on the hill-station and their Alma Mater, for their Golden Jubilee.